Friday 15 June 2007

Humble Beginnings

With a little application and no small amount of hope that I might discover a well hidden talent for writing, the goal of this blog is to let you know what's going on in the world of Erik and more importantly in the world of microfinance, in Peru and more widely. Microfinance is exploding in terms of resource allocation all over the world and debate rages as to whether it is having an overall positive effect, but there is plenty of evidence to suggest that it is. My two-line view of the merits of the microfinance approach is that we're applying capitalist incentivisation principles to help the disenfranchised. Working from the grass roots up, rather than injecting massive funds at the top and hoping that they trickle down, is the best way to lift the extreme poor to a higher standard of living and with them, the whole of humanity. For those of you inclined to read around the subject, I'll be posting links to articles and papers of interest (bullish and bearish). For those who aren't, there'll be plenty of amusing anecdotes (by nature of the events rather than the telling of them) about my failed attempts to make myself understood in Spanish, pictures of my travels in Lima and beyond and highlights of the work I'll be doing with Five Talents and ECLOF Peru.

Hasta Pronto