Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A New(ish) Beginning

Four and a half months into my life in Rwanda and I’ve managed to say virtually nothing about my life here so far! My intention was to round out my experience working on the Obama campaign with one further entry detailing the micro-managed, super-focused, hugely rewarding and in the end massively successful two months that I spent in Las Vegas but the task of writing that piece has seemed so overwhelming that all I have to show for it is two months of silence. So I’ve decided to skip that and move on to the present.

Where to start? Let’s begin with the personal. That large house I referred to a few posts ago which was one of two options I was considering to move into is now my home. My bedroom, whence I’m writing this, is large enough for a huge bed and could comfortably accommodate a table tennis table and a pool table besides. I’ve no doubt this is the largest bedroom I will ever inhabit and would probably compare favourably in size to the entire flat I lived in before leaving London. It’s ridiculous. I share the house with three people, all girls and all Canadian. That they are all girls is entirely unsurprising; the NGO crowd here is overwhelmingly female (clearly not a problem, at least not for the minority gender). That they are all Canadian is much more so albeit that they’re an interesting mix: one Scottish-Canadian; one Eritrean-Canadian; and one US-Dutch-Canadian. In Kigali though one mostly comes across Americans, Belgians, Germans and Brits. And virtually no French. For those who don’t know the history, these last have not entirely covered themselves in glory in their dealings with this country and continue to shoot themselves in the foot diplomatically by pursuing government officials for war crimes and generally being on the wrong side of the argument. However I’m teetering into the political sphere about which I will unfortunately have to be less talkative than I was in Peru. (Incidentally the trial of Alberto Fujimori which I discussed a fair amount over a year ago is due to come to a close very shortly. A conviction is likely assuming the trial doesn’t collapse on the technicality that he’s in ill health and his absence from the courtroom for 12 days would entail starting all over again.)

Work at the Clinton Foundation is fantastically fun and extremely rewarding. And constantly in flux. Amusingly in some ways it’s very similar to what I was doing at Goldman Sachs, i.e. sitting in an office working with Excel all day. In important ways though it’s very different. Whereas my work at GS for six years was almost entirely inward facing, here I am daily in meetings with Ministry officials and every couple of weeks am out in the field meeting with regional health managers. At GS it was always difficult to explain to people what I did, particularly to those who didn’t work in finance, which led some to think I really worked for the intelligence services, but here it’s essentially very simple. We are here to help the Rwandans build up their capacity to successfully manage their own affairs and to do ourselves out of a job.

Unfortunately success isn’t going to come rapidly and someone will likely still be doing what I’m doing by the time I’m considering retirement but you would go mad in this line of work if you didn’t consider and accept the long view. And in Rwanda things happen. I’m constantly hearing from my NGO colleagues who work across African countries that there’s a level of thought, coordination and direction here that isn’t to be found anywhere else on the continent. From the Big Man on down there’s a will to pull this country up and to do so in a systematic, government-driven and clean way. It’s impressive to behold even for someone as inexperienced as me who has nothing with which to compare it. Of course the Rwandans have no resources. There’s very little to drive tax revenue so the country is massively dependent on foreign funding. And as previously said, this will not change anytime soon. But there is the will and there is the understanding of how to do it even if with other people’s money. It’s extremely exciting to be a part of. Over time I want to talk more about the challenges and the opportunities, the hopes of this tiny little over-populated country, the expectations of the international community and the tensions that result when the two rub each other the wrong way. There are endless anecdotes that constantly have us thinking about how to improve and make more effective our work to help Rwanda. The goal is nothing short of colossal.

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