Monday 3 September 2007

Give me the map

Since Peru does not yet appear on Google maps and since I'm sure most people's knowledge of Peruvian cities and towns doesn't extend much beyond Lima, Cuzco, Arequipa and Iquitos at best (mine didn't extend at all past knowing that Lima was the capital until March this year), I'm attaching a map of the region I've been talking about to give some geographical context. Pueblo Nuevo (near Chincha Alta) and San Juan Bautista (near Ica) are the two areas I've been working in, both circled.

This map was drawn up by the Instituto Geofisico del Peru and interestingly shows where the epicentre of the original earthquake and subsequent tremors were located. It's clear from the map why Pisco and surrounds were the towns worst affected by the earthquake, suffering the lion's share of the fatalities and structural damage. It was in Pisco that the church collapsed during mass, killing 148 people, more than a quarter of the total number of deaths reported so far for all of Peru following the earthquake.

Please click on the map for a larger view.

1 comment:

Helga said...


Thanks so much for sharing your experience, it is certainly the next best thing to being there. I'm also grateful since the information that you've shared will be most helpful for my presentation in Pittsburgh. I am blessed to have 'Our Man in Lima'. Be well amigo!